2017 MONACO €2 commemorative coin dedicated to rifles compagny
- November 22, 2017
- by
- Pierre
The stamps and coins Museum of Monaco marketed in a very confidential way the 2017 €2 commemorative coin on November 13th, 2017. This coin commemorates the 200th birthday of the creation of the rifles company of Monaco. It was creates on December 8th, 1817 by Prince de Valentinois, Honoré Grimaldi, Monaco Prince. Since, this military unit never ceased existing. In 1904, Prince Albert Ier entrusted the guard of the Palace and his Family to this unit.
The missions assigned with this unit are to ensure the guard of the Palace, with the daily ceremonial of changing guard and to take care of the security of Prince, Head of the State and the Princely Family, with the integrity of its properties or residences and their immediate surroundings. It must also provide the services of honor (official ceremonies, civil and religious).
Lastly, it takes care of the execution of the Principalty laws and takes part in the public order maintenance. The unit has, since 1978, a music group, made up of 24 musicians. The brass band is officialy named since January 1st, 2014 “the Orchestra of Monaco rifles compagny”.
It has also a team of naval frogmen. The rifles company is in theory under command of a french army senior officer.
The number of coins proposed directly to the public via website of the museum was exhausted the morning of first day of sale. It was sold at the price of 120€/coin (public issue price). For those which could not acquire this coin directly from the museum, it will be necessary for them to acquire it near numismatic dealers and in particular dealers of the MONACO rock (GADOURY, MONACO philatelic and numismatic Counter, Brytch and son, Boule numismatics).
15 000 coins have been struck by Monnaie de Paris. On numismatic market, online sales are realized at a price ranging between €280 and €400.
Source: NUMISMAG and Musée des Timbres et de la Monnaie de Monaco.