The coins of Elizabeth II and Charles III will co-circulate for years

The coins of Elizabeth II and Charles III will co-circulate for years

  • September 27, 2022
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In a statement dated 26/09/2022, the Royal Mint confirms that coins bearing the effigy of His Majesty King Charles III will soon be put into circulation. All British coins bearing the effigy of Her Majesty the late Queen Elizabeth II will also continue to be legal tender and remain in circulation.

The official coin effigy of Britain’s King Charles III is seen on a 50 pence coin, unveiled by The Royal Mint, in London, Britain, September 29, 2022. REUTERS/Peter Nicholls


Historically, it is common for coins bearing the likenesses of different monarchs to co-circulate. This ensures a smooth transition with minimal environmental impact and cost.

Anne Jessopp, President and CEO of the Royal Mint, said, “We are honored to have minted a coin featuring different monarchs. We have struck coins for every monarch since Alfred the Great and are now preparing for the biggest change in British coinage in decades.

The first coins bearing the likeness of His Majesty King Charles III will enter circulation based on demand from banks and post offices. This means that King Charles III and Queen Elizabeth II coins will co-circulate in the United Kingdom for many years to come.”


The coins of Elizabeth II and Charles III will co-circulate for years

Anne JESSOPP, Royal Mint CEO


Approximately 27 billion coins bearing the image of Queen Elizabeth II are currently in circulation in the United Kingdom. They will be replaced as and when they become damaged or worn and unfit for circulation.

The Royal Mint will reveal more details about the King Charles III coinage in the coming weeks.


Sources: Anne JESSOP Royal mint CEO and NUMISMAG

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