Austrian 2018 €2 commemorative coin – 100th anniversary of austrian Republic
- November 08, 2017
- by
- Pierre
The Austrian mint revealed the design of its 2018 new 2 euro commemorative coin which will be included in a coin set. This coin celebrates the Austrian Republic centenary which was proclamed during last weeks of the First World War. The collapse of the Austrian-hungarian Empire marks the end of the Habsbourgs dynasty which controlled Austria-Hungary since 1276. Charles Ier (1887-1922) who succeeded his great-grandfather François Joseph I st, in 1916, was the last Habsbourg emperor to be sat down on the throne of Austria-Hungary. On November 11th, Charles Ier of Habsbourg-Lorraine, pressed by its ministers, signed the abdication which means the end of the monarchy in Austria.
On November 12th, 1918, the National Assembly declared officially the creation of german Austria Republic and its fusion with Germany. However the allied governments refused this option. It is only on October 21st, 1919 with the Versailles Treaty and the Saint-Germain en Laye Treaty, which did ratify the creation of the of independent Austrian Republic. Karl Josef Seitz (1869-1950) member of the imperial Council, president of the National council, and former mayor of Vienna, replaced the emperor as Head of Austrian State and was therefor named president of the first Austrian Republic. The social democrat Karl Renner (1870-1950) was named chancellor (prime minister).
The coin sets will be available starting from January 24th and the 2 euros commemorative coin will be put in circulation during january 2018.
Sources : Numismag, Austrian Mint