2018 Latvian gold coin Bubble Fibulae, last gold trilogy coin
Coin & Latvia & Medal

2018 Latvian gold coin Bubble Fibulae, last gold trilogy coin

It was in the 17th century that the range of Latvian jewellery was supplemented by a new type of fibulae that gradually emerged from the range of various ring fibulae popular in past centuries. Their circle featured hemispheric elevations or bubbles, which gave the name to the jewellery – the bubble fibulae.

2018 Latvian gold coin Bubble Fibulae, last gold trilogy coin
Obverse 2018 latvian €75 gold coin Bubble Fibulae


2018 Latvian gold coin Bubble Fibulae, last gold trilogy coin
Reverse of 2018 €75 latvian gold commemorative coin Bubble Fibulae

The bubbles could be smooth, granular like raspberries or decorated with floral or other ornaments. The circle of bubble fibulae was usually divided into three belts. The ornamental hemispheric elevations were located on the middle belt, which was the broadest one. Decorations in the shape of flowers or monarch crowns could be often found between the elevations, but the tradition of including coloured glass “eyes” in metal holders between the bubbles strengthened as of the beginning of the 18th century.

2018 Latvian gold coin Bubble Fibulae, last gold trilogy coin
Latvian gold coins trilogy

Geometric design, most frequently consisting of zigzag lines, and hearts made in the openwork technique were featured on the outer belts. The most ancient fibulae of this type were found together with silver coins in deposits of the 17th century. Thus, they represented not just ordinary jewellery but also significant value of that time. The 19th century also saw women wear the bubble fibulae, which became an integral part of their national costumes.


Coin specifications

Gold Brooches: The Bubble Fibula
face Value:  €75
Poids: 13g
Diameter: 22.00 mm
Material: 999.9/1000 gold
Quality:  proof,  with five round transparent Swarovski crystals
Mintage: 1 000
Year: 2018
engravers: Jānis Strupulis (plaster model engraver) and Inguna Elere (coin engraver)



2018 Latvian gold coin Bubble Fibulae, last gold trilogy coin
Inguna Elere (coin engraver)


Sources: Latvian Mint and NUMISMAG.

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