New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan – 2019

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan – 2019

After more than a decade, China is releasing newly patterned coins. Starting Aug. 30, new coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan, and 0.1 yuan, will be released and in circulation. Smaller one yuan coins are designed to be more portable, while the colour of a five jiao coin changes from gold to silver.


1-yuan coin of the 2019 edition China

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019


For the 1-yuan coin of the 2019 edition, the typeface of the denomination numeral on the obverse is adjusted, with the floral pattern on the reverse scaled down proportionately.

Major elements remain unchanged as those of the 1999 edition, including coin shape, edge features, flower design, “the People’s Bank of China” in Chinese characters and Pinyin, denomination in Pinyin, and monetary unit.


The diameter of the coin is reduced from 25mm to 22.25mm.

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019

Diameter adjusted

On the obverse of the coin, two latent images “¥” and “1” are added in the lining background of the denomination numeral and a dotted inner circle is added. The metal used remains unchanged.

denomination numeral adjusted

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019

Typeface of denomination numeral adjusted

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019

latent Images “¥” and “1” added in the lining background

5-jiao coin of the 2019 edition China

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019


New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019


For the 5-jiao coin of the 2019 edition, the typeface of the denomination numeral on the obverse is adjusted, with the floral pattern on the reverse scaled down proportionately. Major elements remain unchanged as those of the 1999 edition, including coin shape, edge features, floral design, “the People’s Bank of China” in Chinese characters and Pinyin, denomination in Pinyin, and monetary unit.

The metal is changed from bronze-plated steel to nickel-bonded steel, leading to the change of color from golden yellow to nickel white. The inner circle on both sides is adjusted to polygon. The diameter of the coin remains unchanged.

Obverse 2002 Edition



1-jiao coin of the 2019 edition

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019


New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019


For the 1-jiao coin of the 2019 edition, the typeface of the denomination numeral on the obverse is adjusted, with the floral pattern on the reverse scaled down proportionately. Major elements remain unchanged as those of the 2005 edition, including coin shape, edge features, floral design, “the People’s Bank of China” in Chinese characters and Pinyin, denomination in Pinyin, and monetary unit. The diameter of the coin and the metal used remain unchanged.


New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019

Typeface of denomination numeral adjusted

New Chinese coins of 1 yuan, 0.5 yuan and 0.1 yuan - 2019

Obverse 2005 Edition



2019, asia, china


Sources: The people’s Bank of china -NUMISMAG©

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