Commemorative 2 euro coins 2020
- May 04, 2019
- by
- Olivier
We present you the very first projects of the 2020 commemorative 2 euro coins. This article is set up to inform you about new issues, curiosities and other facts about euro coins. Detailed images and information about €2 coin series. Planed issue of 2 Euro commemorative coins 2020.
This article will be updated regularly : October 2020
Commemorative 2 euro coins 2020
All descriptions and photos, print for each country
2 euros 27th Ibero-American Meeting Andorra – 2020
The 27th Ibero-American Council of Heads of State and Government will be held in the Principality of Andorra in 2020. Andorra, the newest and smallest member of the Ibero-American Conference, will host this political meeting, which brings together 19 Latin American countries as well as Spain, Portugal and Andorra to work towards common goals such as sustainable development.
The design of the coin shows a tree composed of human figures and cogwheels. The human silhouettes symbolize the integration of society, culture and education to achieve a sustainable future. The tooth wheels symbolize the synergy of movement between the ideas and proposals of the participants at this meeting.
Mintage: 70.000 ex BU
et 3.500 ex BE
Cotation :
2 € 50th anniversary of the Women’s suffrage – Andorra
Mintage: 60.000 ex BU
Cotation :
As part of the “Bundesländer” series, the Federal Government has decided to issue a 2 euro “Brandenburg” commemorative coin for the year 2020 (motif: Sanssouci Palace) by the artist Jordi Truxa from Neuenhagen/
2 euros Brandeburg 2020
Mintage: 30.000.000 ex
German 2 euro coins 2021, 2022…
2 euros 50 Jahre Kniefall 2020
Mintage :
Date of issue :
2€ Belgique 2020 – Jan van Eyck
Mintage : 600.000 unc
+ 155.000 coincard
Date of issue : February 2020
2€ Belgique 2020 – l’Année internationale de la santé des végétaux 2020
l’organisation nationale de protection des végétaux (ONPV) en Belgique, en coopération avec la Monnaie Royale de Belgique, vont émettre une pièce de monnaie de 2 EURO destinée à la circulation. Cette initiative, prise en coordination avec la FAO et le secrétariat de l’IPPC, s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’Année internationale de la santé des végétaux (2020).
Mintage : 150.000 coincard et box
600 000 coins UNC
Date of issue : 2nd semester 2020
Architecture – Mudéjar de Aragón
Mintage: 4.000.000 ex
Date of issue :
2 euro commemorative coin dedicated to the centenary of the Tartu Peace Treaty 2020
The Eesti Pank Supervisory Board approved the design for the two-euro commemorative coin dedicated to the centenary of the Tartu Peace Treaty by the graphic designer Ivar Sakk. The design by Ivar Sakk was approved after a public competition to design the coin. This two-euro coin will be put into circulation at the beginning of 2020.
The Tartu Peace Treaty was signed between Estonia and Soviet Russia on 2 February 1920 in Tartu, and it fixed the eastern border of Estonia, bringing an end to the War of Independence.
Ivar Sakk is a designer and design historian working in Tallinn. He graduated in 1986 from the department of industrial art of the Estonian state institute of art. After graduation, he worked as a freelance graphic designer for communications agencies. Ivar Sakk has taught at the Estonian Academy of Arts since 2003.
Mintage: 990.000 ex
+ 10.000 BU
2 euro 200th anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica – Estonia 2020
The discovery of the continent of Antarctica is of special significance to Estonia as the Baltic German seafarer Fabian Gottlieb Benjamin von Bellingshausen (1778–1852), a naval officer in the Imperial Russian Navy, was born in Saaremaa. Bellingshausen was appointed the commander of the southern polar expedition, which left the Russian naval base of Kronstadt in the Gulf of Finland, in July 1819. He had charge of two ships, the Vostok and the Mirny. By December 1819, South Georgia was mapped, and discoveries were made in the South Sandwich Islands. Sailing further south in January 1820, Bellingshausen sighted the coast of Antarctica, but did not then realise the magnitude of his discovery.
The design, which will be shown on the national side of the circulation €2 coin, depicts the ship Vostok in which Admiral von Bellingshausen sailed around the world. The €2 commemorative coin for the bicentenary of the discovery of Antarctica is scheduled to enter circulation at the end of January 2020.
Mintage: 750.000 ex
Coin card : 10 000 ex
Date of issue : 28 January 2020
2 €, 100th anniversary of the birth of Finnish writer Väinö Linna
Väinö Linna (1920-1992) is a Finnish writer and academician, one of the most influential post-war writers. He became famous thanks to his third novel “Unknown Soldier” and his trilogy, “Here under the North Star” in which he describes the reaction of ordinary soldiers to war.
Frappe : 800.000 ex
BE : 7000 ex
Cotation :
Date of issue : 16 November 2020
2 €, 100th anniversary of the establishment of the University of Turku – 2020
Mintage : 500.000 ex
BE : 3000 ex
Price :
Date of issue : june 2020
2 euro Général de Gaulle 2020
The drawing represents in the foreground a profile of Charles de Gaulle (period of the Fifth Republic) and in the background the profile represents General de Gaulle in uniform (for the period of the Second World War). In the foreground on the left is the mention RF superimposed on the cross of Lorraine, symbol of free France.
Quality: BU and BE
Mintage UNC: 18 061 940 ex >>clin d’oeil pour 18 juin 1940
Mintage BU: 10 000 ex
Mintage BE: 10 000ex
Date of issue: Febrary 2020
Medical research
Mintage : 10 000 ex
Price : 20€
Mintage : 100 000 ex
Price : 10€
Available in 3 versions of blisters
Mintage : 300.000 BU coincard
+ 10.000 ex in BE
Date of issue: October 2020
Price : 10€
Mintage: 735 000
+ 10.000 BU
+ 5.000 BE
Mintage: 743.000
+ 10.000 BU
+ 5.000 BE
2 euros – National fire brigade – Italy 2020
2 € euro commemorative 2020 Italy to pay tribute to the national fire brigade: Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco.
Mintage: 2.849.000 ex UNC
+ 20.000 BU
+ 5.000 BE
Date of issue :
Lituania – Lietuva 2020
the Hill of Crosses
The national side of the coin depicts the Hill of Crosses: fragments of wooden and forged crosses, symbolising Lithuanian cross-crafting and folk culture. Cross-crafting and cross-symbolism in Lithuania are included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The coin features the inscription LIETUVA (LITHUANIA), KRYŽIŲ KALNAS (THE HILL OF CROSSES), the year of issue (2020) and the mintmark of the Lithuanian Mint.
Mintage : 500,000,
+ 5,000 BU
2 euro – National fire brigade – Italy 2020
2 € euro commemorative 2020 Italy for the 150th anniversary of the birth of Maria Montessori.
Date of issue :
The Cross Hill
Date of issue :
2 euro Lithuanian ethnographic regions – Aukštaitija
Lithuania’s €2 project
We present the first version of the piece with only the 14th century horseman.
drawn by the Lithuanian artist Rolandas RIMKUNAS
The second work by Rolandas RIMKUNAS with a rider, in a heraldic coat of arms.
Angels have been particularly popular in Lithuania since the end of the 15th century. The Lithuanian Heraldic Commission wanted to introduce angels into the project. The Latin motto chosen for the coat of arms is “Patriam tuam mundum existima”, “consider your homeland as the whole world”. ROLANDAS RIMKUNAS had designed an Angel’s Coat of Arms, which he therefore used for the €2 coin.
and we get to the final project!
Mintage: 495 000
BU: 5 000
Date of issue :
€2 Latgalian Ceramics
Latvijas Banka plans to issue a 2 euro commemorative coin “Latgalian Ceramics” dedicated to the Latgalian pottery next spring.
The traditional pottery established itself for substantial periods of time in two districts, Latgale and Kurzeme, but only in Latgale it has survived throughout the times and has been passed down to the next generations. The Latgalian pottery is included in the Latvian Culture Canon and it represents one of the brightest pages of traditional culture. The national side of the coin will depict a characteristic piece of Latgalian ceramics – clay candelabrum. It will also bear an inscription LATGALES KERAMIKA (Latgalian ceramics), the country name (LATVIJA) as well as the year of issue (2020).
The graphic design of the national side of the new commemorative coin has been created by artist Gundega Rancāne, but the author of the plaster model is Jānis Strupulis. The common side of the coin bearing the nominal value (artist Luc Luycx) is the same as that of other 2 euro circulation coins, including material and size.
Mintage : 400 000 Ex UNC
5000 ex BU
7000 ex : series coins BU
Date of issue :
Bicentenary of the birth of Prince Henry
Mintage: 300 000
Date of issue :
75th anniversary of the United Nations Constitutional Charter
This second theme is abandoned in favour of a play dedicated to the next grand-ducal birth.
Mintage :
Date of issue :
2 euro commemorative coin Malta 2020 : Children’s games
Mintage :
Date of issue :
2 € euro commemorative 2020 Malta
the Temples of Skorba. Series of the Prehistoric Temples of Malta.
Mintage :
Date of issue :
Participation aux jeux olympiques
In 2020, Japan will host the XXXII Summer Olympic Games from July 24 to August 9, 2020.
Mintage: 500 000 ex
5000 BU
5000 BE
Date of issue :
2 € euro commemorating 2020,
75 years of the United Nations
The United Nations is an international organization of 193 States. The Charter of the United Nations was adopted on 26 June 1945 by 51 States, replacing the League of Nations. It officially entered into force on 24 October 1945.
Mintage: 500 000 ex
5000 BU
5000 BE
Date of issue:
San Marino
2 € euro 2020, commemorating the 500th anniversary
of the death of Raffaello Sanzio – Raphael
Mintage : 53.000 BU
Cotation :
20th Anniversary of Slovakia’s accession to the OECD
Mintage :
Date of issue :
Slovenia 500th anniversary of Adam’s birth Bohorič
Mintage :
Date of issue :
Sources : Bundesbank – Eesti Pank NUMISMAG©
1 Comment
Michael Foley
17th Nov 2021 - 12 h 22 minHow much will it cost to purchase all €2 commemorative coins for 2020 excluding Monaco?
Many thanks