2018 slovak numismatic issues celebrating 25th anniversary of Republic

2018 slovak numismatic issues celebrating 25th anniversary of Republic

The slovak Mint will issue in early January 2018 several collectors concerning the celebration of the 25th birthday of the slovak Republic creation, following the split of old tchekoslovakia state. Mint of KREMNICA will thus issue during the month of January 2018:

  • A silver coin fith 900/1000 fineness, 6 900 proof coins and 3 200BU coins
  • A €2 commemorative coin, one million coins stuck
  • a BU set with 3,000specimens containing the 2 commemorative coin
  • a coin-card containing the €2 commemorative coin, 4,000 specimens.

Emissions monétaires 2018 commémorant les 25 ans de la République Slovaque


Emissions monétaires 2018 commémorant les 25 ans de la République Slovaque


Emissions monétaires 2018 commémorant les 25 ans de la République Slovaque



These coins were drawn by the slovak artist Pavel Károly, who had already engraved a €2 commemorative coin in 2009.



Following the signature of SAINT GERMAIN EN LAYE Treaty in 1919, Tchekoslovakia had been created, after the disappearance of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Slovakia was again independent during the 2nd world war, under government TISO, with the support of the nazi Germany. Tchekoslovakia was reappearing at the end of the Second World War and was to integrate the eastern bloc countries. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the communist political regimes in 1991 were to be right of this country which separated in two sovereign national entities, Slovakia and Tchékia.

Source: Numismag and Central Bank of Slovakia.

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