Mini medal Two times champion of the world cup of football 1998-2018

Mini medal Two times champion of the world cup of football 1998-2018

In honor of the victory of the French team at the Football World Cup in Russia, the Monnaie de Paris issues a mini medal where is represented the emblem of the French team since 1909, the rooster, in full shooting action.

The obverse of the medal represents the rooster, emblem of the team of France since 1909, in full action of pulls. The symbol of the rooster reminds the Gallic origins of the nation. Indeed, in Latin, the word “gallus” means both cock and Gaulish.

medal Two times champion of the world cup of football 1998-2018 - 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia

Under the rooster, years “1998-2018” recall the victory of France against Brazil, 20 years earlier. Next to the rooster, two stars specify the winners of the team of France, namely his second victory in the world championship football.

medal Two times champion of the world cup of football 1998-2018 - 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia The reverse is the standard model of the tourist medals marked the 2018 vintage year of victory for France. The mini medal is adorned with the word “France” in nine different languages.


Diameter: 34 mm


Weight: 15.800g

Price: 5€


Sources : La Monnaie de Paris – NUMISMAG©


  1. Syed adnan

    24th Jul 2018 - 14 h 08 min

    Hi.where i can buy this coin

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