New 2019 zero euro banknotes series ATATURK – Mustafa KEMAL
- May 28, 2019
- by
- Pierre
This year, the Republic of Turkey celebrates the 100th anniversary of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Euro Souvenir Banknotes will present its special tribute collection of the 100th anniversary of the commemorative of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his journey which would result in the Republic of Turkey. Euro Souvenir Banknotes has created a limited edition of zero euro banknotes with the five cities who played a key role in Ataturks journey:
where he landed and started his fight against allies occupation troops (mostly greek troops)
First banknote of the series dedicated to SAMSUN city, where KEMAL landed in 1919
A series dedicated to KEMAL fight for turkish Independance
The company that created the series will issue five limited editions of each 10.000 Euro souvenir banknotes, featuring the five cities where M. KEMAL let his foot print: Samsun, Amasya, Erzurum, Sivas and Ankara.
The first 1919 banknotes (regarding serial number) of each edition will be put in a special collectors box.
Banknote blister with the new series, sold for €100 on the editor website
Promotor specified number 01 banknote will go straight to President Erdogan and number 1919 will be auctioned at Janus Mezat.
The date of May 19 holds a special significance for Turks. It is the day in 1919 when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk arrived in the port city of Samsun on the Black Sea coast of Turkey, to launch the War of Independence against the allies troops which had invaded Turkey at the end of the First World War, after its defeat. As the german and hungaro-austrian empires, the ottoman empire did not survive to the first world war. It is also the date Atatürk has later adopted as his own birthday. At the same time, May 19 can be regarded as the turning point in Turkish history when Turks started becoming fully aware of their nationhood.
From a broader perspective, the landing of Mustafa Kemal in Samsun can also be viewed as the birth date of Turkish democracy.
Mustapha KEMAL in his office, during the 30’s
The path to Turkish independence was marked by many important milestones. Atatürk played a crucial personal role in all of them. The Erzurum Congress of July 23, 1919 accepted a 10-point declaration, which aimed at preserving the unity of the country.
Another Congress held in Sivas in September that year confirmed the resolutions adopted at Erzurum. Among the most important conclusions of both meetings was a decision to reject the mandate or protection of any foreign country.
When elections were later held for the Ottoman Parliament in İstanbul, most of those elected were people who agreed with the decisions of the Erzurum and Sivas Congresses.
The first 2019 ATATURK banknote, a very valuable collector!
In the meantime, the very first banknote dedicated to ATATURK (clic here to read our initial article about this banknote) arise huge retail prices. On ebay.de (Germany is the most activ numismatic market in Europe) this banknote is sold on auction between €35 to €55.
Banknote auctioned on ebay.de
Banknote on sale in a specialized webshop (eurocommemorative)
On direct sales, in a dealer webshop, the price may reach €150, not withstanding banknotes with very low serial numbers…
Many observers look at the zero euro banknotes market, especially for countries that are newcomers in the collection, like Turkey!
Sources: zero eurobanknotes.com and NUMISMAG©.
29th May 2020 - 15 h 18 minThere are multiple issues with this numismatic product:
1. Turkey is not a European country
2. These Zero Euro Notes are NOT banknotes. They are not issued by a bank.
3. The notes are not issued. They are privately released.
4. Their quality is subpar.
5. They are too monotonous and unattractive.
6. Their paper and features are uninteresting.
7. They are plain ugly.
8. These deserve much better designs and quality.
9. They are numismatic SPAM.
10. I never purchased a single one of these and these spam notes will not be in my collection nor even on my toilet paper roll.
30th May 2020 - 22 h 38 minHello Tom this is your opinion and we respect it. But many collectors in the world made another choice buying these banknotes.
Best regards