2021 Finland numismatic program

2021 Finland numismatic program

Last update 09/19/2021

The following commemorative and special coins will be issued in 2021.

This article will regularly be updated in time.


Commemorative coins


Journalism and free press supporting Finnish democracy
100 euro gold coin
Issue date: 28.3.2021


2021 Finland numismatic program

Mintage: 950 coins (including 300 numbered coins)


Obverse: simplified male and female symbols

Reverse: information networks that flow like a ribbon and reflect the open communication of information in Finnish journalism.

Engraver’s mark is represented by the letter “V”, the first letter of designer Hannu Jasoni Veijalainen’s last name.

Coin specifications:

Material: gold

Fineness: 917/1000

Quality: Proof

Diameter: 22mm

Weight: 5.65g (metal value 03/28: €280)

Face value: €100


The Compulsory Education Act 100 years
20 euro silver coin
Issue date: 15.4.2021

2021 Finland numismatic program

A coin designed by Erja TIELINEN


2021 Finland numismatic program
Compulsory Education Act coin sketches – Picture Kira Leskinen (Meledo, Galleria Huuto, 2021)


Åland Autonomy 100 years

2021 Finland numismatic program

20 euro silver coin

The obverse features a summery archipelago. The field along the upper edge features the text: ÅLANDS SJÄLVSTYRELSE 100 ÅR, and along the lower edge:: AHVENANMAAN ITSEHALLINTO 100 VUOTTA.

The reverse features a human head in profile. The head is filled with important symbols of the cultural identity of Åland: a cowslip, a sailing ship, a roe deer, fishes, birds and a midsummer crown. The field along the upper edge features the text: SUOMI 2021 FINLAND, and the denomination, €20, is on the right hand side. The coin was designed by Ulrika Kjeldsen, an artist from Åland.

Åland is an autonomous, demilitarised  and Swedish-speaking part of Finland. The Finnish Parliament approved the Act on Åland autonomy in spring 1920, but the final solution was reached through arbitration by the League of Nations in 1921. Finland retained sovereignty over Åland, but Åland got autonomy and guarantees for the Swedish language and the local culture and usages.

The centennial autonomy of Åland is celebrated for a full year, starting on 9 June 2021. The jubilee year  celebration peaks on 9 June 2022, on the centennial of the first meeting of the Åland County Council’s first meeting in 1922.


Issue date: 9.6.2021


Fineness: 925/1000


Quality: Proof


Weight: 25,5 g

Mintage: Max. 1500 coins, of which 100 sequentially numbered

Designer:Ulrika Kjeldsen

€2 commemorative coins


Journalism and free press supporting Finnish democracy
Issue date: April

Mintages: 800 000 UNC coins for circulation and 7 000 proof coins for collectors


2021 Finland numismatic program



Åland Autonomy 100 years
Issue date: Autumn


2021 finnish Coin sets


Our Sea

Official product in support of OURSEA – in cooperation with Moomin Characters
Issue date: February


Issue date: April

2021 Finland numismatic program

Mintage: 1 500 sets

Issue date: April

2021 Finland numismatic program

Mintage: 1 500 sets

My First Coins
In cooperation with Moomin Characters
Issue date: April

2021 Finland numismatic program

Mintage: 1 500 sets

Freedom of expression, contains Journalism and free press supporting Finnish democracy special euro coin

2021 Finland numismatic program


The Freedom of Speech coin set includes all Finnish coins issued in 2021. The folder also includes the first special Euro coin issued in 2021: Journalism and Free Press Supporting Finnish Democracy. It celebrates the centennial of the Union of Journalists in Finland, and serves as a reminder of the importance of open communication, diversity and freedom of speech in Finland.

Issue date: May

Mintage: 3 000 sets



The Finnish Archipelago, contains Åland Autonomy 100 years special euro coin
Issue date: Autumn



Complete proof, contains both 2021 special euro coins
Issue date: Autumn


Le coffret annuel BE et le dernier coffret BU finlandais 2021 annoncés


Mintage: 1000 sets (set contains 2*2 proof 2021 finnish €2 commemorative coins)


Merry Christmas
Issue date: November


2021 Finland numismatic program


Sources: Finnish ministry of finances and NUMISMAG.


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